Introducing The Skys

Watch: Hunna “Rescue Me”
December 4, 2013
Introducing Gaunt Story
December 5, 2013
Watch: Hunna “Rescue Me”
December 4, 2013
Introducing Gaunt Story
December 5, 2013
The Skys
The country of Lithuania is a small country nestled on the shores of the Baltic Sea, and although it is usually overshadowed by its larger neighbors this is a country with a rich culture and history of their own. The Skys are a product of that culture and since 1995 the band has been cultivating an ever-expanding and loyal fan base throughout the European and western Asian regions.
Over this time they’ve garnered recognition everywhere from their home country, to festivals such as Crescendo Festival in France, Posinger Open Air in Germany, Eastern European Music Fest in Russia, and a spot at the New York International Music Festival where they won the Best International Band award!
The Skys’ music is a nod to some of the best elements of classic rock, honing in on the ethereal and ambient sounds reminiscent of the Gilmour and Waters classics of the 70′s. Soaring instrumental breaks, sparse yet powerful vocals and restrained tempos are the calling cards of their newest album, Colours of the Desert. The release caught the attention of Cinderella Records, whom the band signed an exclusive distribution deal with to get their music heard! The first video from the album is for the standout track “When the Western Wind Blows” and is a six minute gem you won’t want to miss!