Hailing from Jersey City, New Jersey, hip-hop artist Sgt Over has a unique creative power that is the driving force behind the production of his music. HIP Video Promo is pleased to be working with this eclectic artist to bring you his brand new music video. “Masquerade” is the first single from Sgt Over’s debut album Precious Jewels, and has Sgt. Over teaming up with one of his labelmates and fellow Jersey City staple Just Putt.
This Jersey native offers a variety of styles that hint at flashbacks to the golden era of hip-hop. However, Sgt Over’s unique combination of hip-hop and R&B elements deliver a soulful drive of empowerment giving us glimpses into the future of contemporary hip-hop music. Culture is the driving force behind this rapper’s creative identity, and he is also the founder and head honch of the Dead Poets Society Music Group (DPSMG).
Sgt. Over’s sound has been described as “a breath of fresh air, painting a new vivid, intelligent view of life in the inner city.” His latest project from November of 2012, Precious Jewels, promises no deviation from the formula that makes Sgt. Over stand out amongst a multitude of contemporary hip-hop all stars. Precious Jewels’ sound mixes underground classic roots and subtly touches upon mass market appeal, all the while creating a place in the hearts of all music lovers. This intelligent video clip for “Masquerade” offers viewers with the empowering characteristics that make up Sgt. Over’s unique hip-hop style.
Filmed and edited by Serringe of Element Tree, “Masquerade” features the artist Just Putt, whose lyrics, angelic tenor and vocal melodies capture a timeless essence. Set on the streets of Jersey City, the clip portrays scenes of day-to-day life and the routines that Sgt. Over must accomplish. However, nearly every one is sporting a masquerade mask—from the young woman working behind a deli counter, to an older gentleman standing behind a screen door. What Sgt. Over relays to his audience and music lovers from all over is the difficulty to understand who is fake and who is real when dealing with the negative nature of any given day’s daily grind. Sgt. Over presents intelligent lyrics and a rap flow that is strong and fluid to maintain his idea of what life in the inner city is really like. “Masquerade” featuring Just Putt is a highly influential hip-hop song that captures the true meaning of this talented rapper’s flow. Click here for the full bio on HIPVideoPromo.com.