The story of AV Super Sunshine is much more than that of a man who rediscovered his passion for creating music; it’s the story an artist whose battle with severe depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress syndrome and bi-polar disorder robbed him of many of his most creative years but who has re-emerged with a renewed vigor for doing what he loves. The pinnacle of that journey is the beautifully shot new video for “Baby Goodbye” and the modern sounds it displays with a combination of guitar-heavy hints of 60’s psychadelica and 70’s hard rock.
The new video is the perfect video compliment to the sound of the song. The song is played out in front of an old cityscape projected onto the background in the style of 60’s cinema, and appropriately enough AV is seen cruising in a killer Pontiac GTO with a variety of groovy gals. Those shots are juxtaposed with scenes of AV and his band fully immersed in the vibes of the song and taking us back to another decade of psychedelic-infused good times. A constant kaleidoscope of colors and moving lights really brings it all together for a look and feel that brings the past roaring into the present! Click here for the full bio!