Xpensive Glass
Add Date:
February 28, 2017


Meet WithLoveXavier and feel his exudations of love and lust! Born Matthew Xavier Hunter, his instinctive love and boastful swagger led him to allocate his gifts and abilities to listeners around the country. Ever since he was handpicked to join his elementary school’s choir, he has offered an alluring flounce in all that he accomplishes. With the new video for “OFFICIAL” he shows off exactly what has made him such a hot commodity on the modern R&B and hip-hop music landscape.

After learning how to mix and record in his home studio, this born and raised Brooklyn native son set out to perform and showcase his talents throughout the New York City area, and from there expanding his reach fanbase to a global scale. With over 25,000 combined followers on SoundCloud, Twitter and Instagram, WithLoveXavier is one of the most highly anticipated artists on the musical radar. He recently released his mixtape WITHLOVEXAVIER, which is a 13-track story of his love life and experiences growing up in New York. Most recently, he released his first music video titled “OFFICIAL.”

“OFFICIAL” is all about smooth, sensual visuals and an exclusive, effortless presentation, offering a complementary view of the hip-hop and R&B underworld. At the core of the video is WithLoveXavier posted up in a lavish area, delivering his tempting vocals with a focus matched only by the absorbing lyrics themselves. As WithLoveXavier does his part gliding around in a slow, bodily stroll to the beat as clips of beautiful women showing enough skin to make anyone blush, excerpts of posh vehicles and dimly lit, steamy lounge scenes are seamlessly peppered throughout the video. “OFFICIAL” connects to the current millennial youth culture that is all about being wealthy and happy with loyal, beautiful women at your side. WithLoveXavier has turned on the sex-appeal in this video sure to please its viewers.

All of us here at HIP Video Promo are very excited to be working with WithLoveXavier to deliver such a seductive message of allegiance and love. We would love nothing more than to see you support this video, so please let us know what we can do to make that happen. Please contact Andy Gesner and the HIP Video Promo team at (732)-613-1779 or emailing us at info@HIPVideoPromo.com. You can also visit www.WithLoveXavier.com for more info on WithLoveXavier.


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