The Refusers
“Live Free”
Directed by Michael Belkin
The Refusers released by AWAL
Add date – 11/7/2022
About The Refusers
As audacious as some think they are, The Refusers passionately refuse to go along with the program. Could they know something we don’t? Yes ladies and gentlemen, there are new lockdowns coming, there are new jabs coming; and it’s clear that energy systems and food systems are on the verge of failing; the time has come to prepare yourself for an much “angrier world.” How do The Refusers know there is such a dire future awaiting us? Because the government has told us so. Punk rock has always been all about fighting the man, but now it’s about fighting for your life. The Seattle-based combo are dissenters, when dissenting these days can have significant consequences. Freedom is at stake, and the stakes are high. Now that World War III has officially begun in earnest, it might be time to put down your phone, shut off the Netflix, and pay attention. Rest assured that all this propaganda would not be needed if the situation was hopeless.
About the “Live Free” music video
Want more from The Refusers and HIP Video Promo?
The entire HIP team is thrilled to partner with Michael Belkin and The Refusers once again, and we hope “Live Free” strikes a profound chord with you. Thanks for viewing “Live Free” and if you can consider including it in your programming and online presentations, it would be very much appreciated. Would you like us to send over some Refusers merch for contests and giveaways? Or do you have any questions for us? All you’ve got to do is reach out to the HIP team at 732-613-1779 or email us at For the latest on The Refusers, visit https://www.