Spider Cherry
“Little Bit Shy”
Directed by Kid Wonder Lust
Add date – 1/29/2024

About Spider Cherry

Shyness isn’t a characteristic associated with singers. But a pinch of coyness — some strategic reticence — can impart a little mystery and intrigue to the brashest of rockers. British born Nathan Mercado, the artist better known as Spider Cherry, has never had a problem getting noticed. His piano-driven music is bold, tuneful, colorful, instantly memorable, and raucous in all the right places. Yet there’s grace hidden in the swagger and a trace amount of shyness during the storm.

About “Little Bit Shy”

That’s the dynamic that drives “Little Bit Shy,” the single from the South Florida songwriter. It’s a smart, sharply composed track that dances at the intersection between glam-rock, contemporary pop, and carnival music, complete with stuttering piano, danceable beats, and a tasty, distortion-saturated lead guitar. Spider Cherry’s put-downs and pronouncements are passionately delivered; he’s funny, irreverent, and pugnacious, and every bit the model of the confident rock showman.

Nevertheless, at its rapidly thumping heart, the song is an explanation for his wild behavior — and maybe a bit of an apology, too. “Little Bit Shy” leads with an acknowledgment of the singer’s ADHD, and concludes with a cleverly-selected quote from Hot Chip. In between, there’s a river of wine, a floored gas pedal, candy, nightmares, burned-out bulbs, pride, unapologetic hedonism, and a hint of sheepishness, too. “I’m a baby,” Spider Cherry concedes, “but I do not cry.”

About the Music Video

He’s not weeping in the clip for “Little Bit Shy,” but he is an infant: an overgrown, bipedal, kitchen-wrecking, and determined to indulge his desires in the most spectacular manner possible. Spider Cherry is a bundle of impulses, interrupting dates, splashing in the bath, and leaving his mother aghast. Director Kid Wonderlust captures this renegade baby on a brilliant, sunlit day — the better to appreciate his antics. Yet it’s also clear that he only becomes a baby when his aspirations are frustrated. Once he transforms from an odd but conventional adult into a raging toddler and crashes from his crib through a wall of blocks, his problems are solved.  He steals away the girl he wants and imposes his will on his domestic environment.  He’s shy no more.  But is a little restraint really so bad?

Want more from Spider Cherry and HIP Video Promo?

We are thrilled for the opportunity to work with Spider Cherry and advocate for this irreverent, fully realized new music video “Little Bit Shy”! We hope you enjoy experiencing it as much as we have. Thank you for your consideration of this clip being included in your programming and online presentations, it is greatly appreciated. For more information, or if you’d like us to send some Spider Cherry merch for on-air contests and giveaways, contact Andy Gesner and the team at HIP Video Promo at 732-613-1779, or email us at info@HIPVideoPromo.com. To get updates on future projects from Spider Cherry visit https://spidercherry.com.