Sean Kiez
Directed by Sean Kiez and Jaeh Ross
The Formula Entertainment Group
Added 1/31/2024

About Sean Kiez

“Even though it seems hard, it’s not as hard as it seems,” raps Sean Kiez on the thunderous second verse of “Dream.” Though his voice is commanding, he’s reassuring, too. For the Houston singer, emcee, and songwriter, that’s an old trick: in his long and varied recording career, he’s always been able to sound personable, approachable, and invincible at the same time. On his latest single, he puts his skills and his charisma to the service of his inspiration message. Be tenacious, persevere and believe in yourself for these are riches nobody can ever take away.

About “Dream”

If he sounds like he’s rapping about what he knows (something that every good rapper should do), that’s because he is. Sean Kiez has certainly experienced more than his share of poverty and struggle. His upbringing in the churches of Milwaukee and Los Angeles gave him the mental and spiritual skills to confront hardship and triumph on his own terms. His ability to give “voice to the voiceless” is evident in every bar of “Dream.” Kiez’s commanding performance — one with overtones of the pulpit — is supported by a five-piece gospel choir, piano and organ, and a martial drumbeat calling the angels to array. Yet as immediately inspirational as the song is, Kiez never forgets to ground the track in the dirty southern hip-hop he loves. That means big hooks, bigger swagger, and a swampy bass and kick drum as deep and wide as a rain-swollen river.

The synthesis of R&B, and Gulf Coast rap on “Dream” is just the latest example of Sean Kiez’s remarkable versatility. The new single follows the guitar-driven “Rockstar Rebel,” a collaboration with Raphael RJ2, and the sweet “On Ya Bull,” an exercise in seductive soul. His discography contains pure pop and devotional music alongside certified baby-makers and hardcore tracks that align him with the long and storied tradition of Houston hip-hop. It’s all held together by the star’s magnetism — that and his intelligence, his compassion, the ease with which he tells his stories, and his unshakable belief in himself.

About the “Dream” Music Video

It’s all on display in the beautifully-shot clip for “Dream” — a video that makes a gas station convenience store feel as sanctified as a cathedral. Throughout the video, we see Sean Kiez operating, hanging with friends, magnetizing audiences, enjoying the fruits of his labor, and doing it all with gravity and purpose. But most of the time, he’s rapping, straight to the audience, from a loading dock behind a disused factory. Kiez and co-director Jaeh Ross make sure to pan back to show the viewer that nobody is around. Viewers are shown one man gathering himself, alone with his song, his story, his dreams, confident that his message resonates with a human family ready to embrace it.

Want more from Sean Kiez and HIP Video Promo?

We are grateful for the opportunity to advocate for the incredible Sean Kiez, championing the new music video “Dream”! We hope you enjoy embracing it as much as we have. Your consideration of this clip in your programming and online presentations is greatly appreciated. For more information, or if you’d like us to send some cool Sean Kiez merch for on-air contests and giveaways, contact Andy Gesner and the team at HIP Video Promo at 732-613-1779, or email us at For more from Sean Kiez, visit