Sarah Brightman feat. Yoshiki
Decca Gold
“Miracle” (Sarah’s version)
Oliver Sommer
Add Date:
December 6, 2018

Fresh off the brilliance of the “Sogni” video, Sarah Brightman delivers “Miracle,” a video that so beautifully captures both the grandeur of her essence and the riveting skills displayed on her newest album Hymn. On “Miracle,” she collaborates with one of Japan’s most renowned artists, Yoshiki, on piano.

Brightman is known for her classical crossover sound, something Yoshiki knows very much about. He began his career as the principle writer, drummer, and pianist of the seminal metal band X Japan. Like many musicians, his classical training was apparent and created another avenue for him to pursue. A collaboration with the world-famous Sarah Brightman is the perfect opportunity for both artists to celebrate not just their individual talents, but their one-of-a-kind crossover skills.

Whereas “Sogni” was a feat of ambitious cinema with a stunning white, palatial estate as the backdrop. The soft, natural light shone a light on Sarah, but in the new “Miracle” video, Sarah is the light.

On a darkened, empty stage is lined up with a healthy number of lights that cut through the fog as Sarah is perched atop Yoshiki’s piano, and underneath the spotlight. Her trademark soprano rings across the room like a bird soaring through the sky, as Yoshiki accompanies her on piano, like two hearts beating as one. At the edge of the stage, and subtly lit, is the choir that hauntingly leads the intro and outro of the song.

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