Quinn Henry Mulligan
“Hype” Music Video
Directed by Finley Mulligan
Add date – 05/02/19
About The Video
Here are three undeniable truths: age is not your friend; working in an office kind of sucks; and shot-gunning beers and amateur knife-throwing with a terrifying demon who is super rad, and also probably from a distant planet, will chase away the blues. The clip for Quinn Henry Mulligan’s latest single “Older” provides video evidence. It’s two dudes pulling shenanigans on a trippy evening’s journey, cutting through back alleys and front yards to the corner watering hole: escape and slow-dancing await.
Mulligan plays a cubicle-bound office drone who tries to audiobook his way out of generalized workplace anxiety – but no dice. Judging by his dead eyes, he’s done this, oh, at least two hundred times. They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Another meaning of insanity is hallucinating a green, fanged and bewigged Party Monster in a clingy silver bodysuit with angel wings. But if that’s what it takes…
About Quinn Henry Mulligan
A few years ago, Mulligan was neck-deep in an existential crisis. His band, the popular PDX mainstay Fanno Creek, had called it quits, and he asked himself if he was even a musician anymore. Big questions require big answers. Luckily, he was getting porch-drunk with his twin brother, the video’s director, who suggested that writing, recording and releasing an album a month for a year was the right way to go. “Older” is one of the standout tracks on that series’ May.
Mulligan sings a song of regret and purposelessness, belted out to make amends to a former lover and/or his bygone, better self. It’s his restless musical spirit at its best. He’s got a head full of Folk, Rock, Psych, and Indie that he effortlessly combines to tell simple yet resonant stories about the easily overlooked triumphs and tragedies of everyday life. Here, a melancholic acoustic intro opens up into crisply layered, crescendoing pop reminiscent of The Flaming Lips’ or Bowie’s outer-spacier stuff. It’s joyous and heartbreaking all at once.
Want more from Quinn Henry Mulligan and HIP Video Promo?
Anxiety can be your worst enemy, and tunes like this can be your best friend. Check out Quinn Henry Mulligan’s “Older” and from this day forth, whenever you’re feeling old and insignificant, ask yourself, “What would Party Monster make me do?”. Please let us know what we can do to get this clip included in your regular programming and online presentations, or if you’d like us to send some merch for on-air contests and giveaways. Contact Andy Gesner and the HIP Video Promo team at 732-613-1779 or email us at info@HIPVideoPromo.com. You can also visit www.QuinnHenryMulligan.com for more info.