Mindless Self IndulgenceArtist:
Noah J. Ehlert
Add Date:
September 15, 2002


Mindless Self Indulgence is an electronic punk band, but more importantly a state of mind. These four NYC musical pioneers come from a place where nothing is taboo, sacred or unmentionable. At first glance they may appear to have come from another planet, but where they are coming from is that insatiable need in everyone’s psyche to shock, perplex and “trounce the envelope.” It’s every musician’s greatest desire to be heard and Mindless Self Indulgence do not mince words. They are as “in your face” as any musical group performing today and completely command your attention.

After a late Nineties major label debacle, Mindless Self Indulgence regrouped and scored major tours opening up for some of the biggest names in the biz. Korn, System of a Down and Slipknot all list MSI as one of their favorite bands and this odd quartet boasts an unbelievably rabid fan base that often buys multiple copies of every release, t-shirt and unreleased demo they can get their hands on. (Type Mindless Self Indulgence in your e-bay search and you will see for yourself!!)

For energy, misguided exuberance and musical insanity, Mindless Self Indulgence are the band to watch in 2002. An MSI show is always an event, a joyous, disturbed romp into the deepest, darkest chasms of psychotic fun and frolic. We here at HIP Video are excited to present “Tornado”, the brand new video from MSI. The clip is tremendous and at just over two minutes, easy to squeeze in to a tight programming schedule. The band is releasing their brand new live album Alienating Our Audience September 24th, 2002 on Uppity Cracker Records and the video features a performance filmed live at the legendary CBGBs.