Les Stroud
“One Giant Farm” Music Video
Directed by Les Stroud
Add date – 08/26/19
About Les Stroud
The things that Les Stroud shows us in the gorgeous – but frequently graphic – clip for “One Giant Farm” aren’t always easy to see. That, Stroud might argue, is the whole point: we need to have an honest conversation about the fate of our oceans, and when we do, we’re going to have to face some troubling truths. He’s been ringing the alarm about the degradation of the planet’s ecosystems in songs that are hard-rocking and powerful. It’s all been part of the same lifelong effort to entertain, inform, and educate – and not always in that order.
“One Giant Farm” – the single from the upcoming Mother Earth album – is thunderously impressive. Everything about the track is undeniable, and that includes Stroud’s wearily pugnacious vocals, the stinging guitar solos, and the song’s powerful message. The planet, Stroud argues, is more than just a hunting ground for humans: its creatures deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Legendary rock-and-roll guitarist Slash was so moved by the mission that – wanting to help bring awareness – he played guitar on the track.
About the video
As every responsible Earth citizen knows, the oceans are being polluted and overfished at a remarkable and unsustainable rate. The “One Giant Farm” clip – which was directed by Les Stroud himself – shows us the dreadful consequences of our runaway appetites. He takes us aboard fishing boats where the intelligent, charismatic animals of the sea are slaughtered without compassion, and shows us red tides of carnage where hunting proceeds unchecked. Always the teacher, Stroud flashes facts in bold white lettering underneath this footage – facts that are almost as unsettling as the images of sharks shorn of their fins and cruelly cast back into the water. But Stroud is no defeatist. The “One Giant Farm” clip also celebrates organizations and individuals who are fighting to save the oceans, including Dolphin Project and Sharkwater Foundation documentary filmmaker Rob Stewart, and Sea Shepherd. To that list of champions of the sea, Stroud can add his name. Stroud has put in the effort to raise consciousness. Now, we hope only that his warning is heeded.
Want more from Les Stroud and HIP Video Promo?
Les Stroud fights the good fight as well as anyone, and we’re thrilled to share “One Giant Farm” with the world. Please let us know what we can do to make sure it’s included in your regular programming and online presentations, or if you’d like us to send some Les Stroud merch for on-air contests and giveaways. Mother Earth will be released soon, so be on the lookout! Les Stroud has several shows coming up in Canada, too. Call Andy Gesner and the HIP Video Promo team at 732-613-1779 or email us at info@HIPVideoPromo.com. Check out www.LesStroud.ca to learn more about everything Les Stroud does and fights for.
For more info on past Les Stroud videos, click HERE.