Joe Bermudez & Dana McKeon
“Tug of War”
Directed by Ernesto Galan & Joe Bermudez
617 Records
Add date – 9/30/2022

About Joe Bermudez

A rare trait a musician can have today is boldly wearing their truth without compromising humility and genuine dedication to their craft. At age 18, with an eviction notice hanging on his apartment door, Joe Bermudez made the inspiring decision to march into WKZS radio in Auburn, Maine, to plead with the hiring managers for a job doing anything. Taking a chance on the young Joe Bermudez proved to be an incredible decision on WKZS’s part because, within a few months, he had his own prime-time show, “Kiss Klub Night,” and became the music director for the syndicated weekend radio show Open House Party. His start in touring across notable radio stations allowed him to gain exposure as a talented DJ and music producer, even opening for Madonna and releasing the album New Ginza at Night in 2014. Through epic collaborations with talented singers, Joe Bermudez creates magnetizing soundscapes that take EDM to new heights. 

About the “Tug of War” video

Love can be a constant push and pull of passion, one person chasing another but finding difficulty reaching a middle ground. Joe Bermudez utilizes electronic textures and powerhouse EDM beats to capture this phase in “Tug of War” featuring Dana McKeon. McKeon brings airiness and sugary sweet vocals that mesh seamlessly with the unique production by Joe Bermudez. The music video matches the song’s upbeat tone with the artists dressed head to toe in neon workout gear while keeping up with the blood-pumping moves. At the anticipated beat drop, the gym becomes a mini dance club where the athletes flex their best dance moves. “Tug of War” is carefully crafted with a beautiful meaning, but in true Joe Bermudez fashion, the music video provides duality with fun visuals. 

Want more from Joe Bermudez and HIP Video Promo?

With his ability to bring humor and playfulness to the music scene, we are excited to work with Joe Bermudez to promote the well-crafted “Tug of War” music video! Many thanks for considering this new visual for your programming or online presentations, and we encourage you to include it at your earliest convenience. If you’d like more info, reach out to the HIP Video Promo team at 732-613-1779 or email For the latest from Joe Bermudez, head to or follow @JoeBermudezOfficial on Facebook and Instagram.  

For more info on past Joe Bermudez videos, click HERE.