Jasmine Crowe and Jonathan Fairchild
Directed by Jeremy Eichenbaum
Add date – 11/7/2022

About Jasmine Crowe and Jonathan Fairchild

From a certain perspective, Los Angeles is the world’s first particle accelerator – it’s where highly charged artists collide and produce explosive results. It’s where Jasmine Crowe and Jonathan Fairchild were destined to meet and combine their creative talents.

Jasmine Crowe hails from Hawaii, and, like her homeland, her career has produced a dynamic and fruitful ecosystem of diverse creation. A virtuoso on the violin, Ms. Crowe also seamlessly cycles through guitar or piano while performing any number of songs from her award-winning catalogue. Her 2019 single “Chess Game” even reached #28 on the Billboard Dance Charts. Most recently, she shook hands and rubbed shoulders with the one-and-only Ringo Starr as she accepted the John Lennon Song of the Year Award for her single “Breaking Things.” 

Jonathan Fairchild grew up in the light and love of the SoCal sun. In a time when being gay was not okay, Fairchild has been working professionally as an actor, singer, and dancer since he was eight years old – and now shines as a creative beacon to others in the City of Angels. He’s toured with the likes of Lizzo, Kesha, and Aaron Carter (and so many more) over his 20-year career in the music industry. More recently, he’s blossomed into a thoughtful and provocative producer and vocalist, releasing songs like “Lover” and “So Beautiful” that strike you stunned with insight in the midst of your spontaneous booty-shaking.

Fairchild has been interested in hair and makeup his whole life, and has even built a career working with cosmetic companies for sponsorships, traveling and wearing new products on display. While studying for his cosmetology license in Studio City, he met Crowe as a client getting her hair done. In 2019, he hosted Sun.Day.Live., the first LGBTQ arts and music festival, where Crowe and her band performed – and so, a beautiful musical collaboration began.

About the “Poolside” video

In their debut collaborative bop “Poolside” (which Crowe produced), Crowe and Fairchild distill the Hollywood experience into a single setting: the paradigmatic LA pool party. With a groovy upbeat bass and dance-along percussion, they lay the foundations for their infectious melodies and strutting guitars to flourish into a synth-and-string orchestral disco explosion. Together the duo lyrically seduces us into their world and reveals all is not as it seems under the California sun—Hollywood vampires lurk in the umbrella-borne shadows by the pool.

The energetic music video for “Poolside” develops a deeper dive into these tempting and torturous undertones of the entertainment industry. Director Jeremy Eichenbaum vivifies the vision, following a white-laden Crowe as she attends a poolside shindig hosted by our devious Fairchild. Upon her arrival, she guilelessly stumbles through crowds of sharp-toothed guests, grooving and coaxing her into their perilous party. Eventually, the maiden/villain dualism dissolves into a blowout ball for all parties involved. Maybe the vampires got her in the end, but who wouldn’t want to live forever in this sanguine scene?

Want more from Jasmine Crowe and HIP Video Promo?

We are thrilled to partner with the wonderful Jasmine Crowe & Jonathan Fairchild to promote the funk infused, stylish music video for “Poolside”! We are delighted and appreciative that you are considering it for your programming and online presentations, so please let us know if you have any questions for us or if you’d like us to send some merch for contests and giveaways. For more info, reach out to the HIP Video Promo team at 732-613-1779 or info@HIPVideoPromo.com, and be sure to follow @IAmJasmineCrowe and @JonathanPFairchild on Instagram for the latest from these talented musicians.