GaREE All “Mother Tough”


“Mother Tough”
Directed by GaREE All
Add date – 7/21/2023

About GaREE All

After a successful career as a professor of political science and an IT specialist through tech’s toddler years, and later as an administrator and professor of computer information technology, GaREE All is introducing us to his next metamorphosis as a singer-songwriter and entertainer. Retirement from academia was merely a launching pad for his next adventure, this time as an artist and content creator. Instead of purchasing a comfortable rocking chair and a house with a quiet porch to rock on, GaREE rocked on to be a no-holds-barred lyricist, video-maker, and entertainer.

Born and raised in the greater St. Louis area, GaREE All was bound to encounter a world in flux. Reading Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, swallowing earfuls of Bob Dylan, and watching the social landscape change before his very eyes, this particular child of the mid-twentieth century found his rhyme and reason in academia while keeping a habit of writing and storytelling in his back pocket. Now filled to the brim with nuanced perspective from a life of multifaceted experience, the professor picks up his pen once more to express his heart in song. Through acoustic ballads, beat-poet raps, and spoken word musings, GaREE’s eclectic catalog of songs pays homage to the diverse range of influences and interests he’s encountered. With dozens of songs written and self-produced—and no shortage of inspiring tunes in the pipeline—we can expect to hear much more of the unexpected from GaREE All for years to come.

About the “Mother Tough” video

GaREE All’s new single “Mother Tough” is an inspired tribute to mothers everywhere. Raised by a single mother himself, GaREE All saw firsthand the grit it takes to be a mom. Over a driving funky electro-pop beat, handcrafted by the man himself, GaREE rhythmically raps out a portrait of the type of mom who loves with strength and care—a “street hackin, beat crackin, heat-packin” type of mama who calls you out for mistakes while she calls you in for dinner.

Ever seeking to expand his creative means of expression, GaREE not only wrote and produced “Mother Tough,” he directed and edited its accompanying music video. Clipping together a diverse array of people and places, the video tells the story of every mother-child relationship. Scene by scene, the clips nod towards his crafty lyrics while universalizing the experience of motherhood. Make a moment with your bad-ass mom, and rap along to GaREE All’s “Mother Tough.”

Want more from GaREE All and HIP Video Promo?

We are elated to team up with GaREE All to champion the “Mother Tough” music video and celebrate all the strong mothers within the human family. Heck, there’d be no human family without them! Thank you for considering this clip for your programming and online presentations; it is very much appreciated. For more information, or if you’d like us to send some GaREE All merch for contests and giveaways, reach out to the HIP Video Promo team at 732-613-1779 or Head to or follow @gareeall on Instagram for the latest from GaREE All.