Aodh Breathnach
Add Date:
June 4, 2013


Cyde-1der is hip-hop’s newest formation, and HIP Video Promo is pleased to be working with such groundbreaking artists. This dynamic rap duo is slowly making waves in the UK and the states, and we are proud to introduce their newest music video clip “Take Over.”

Originally from Uganda, T-Cyde and 1der JR first met at a studio in Bristol where they had spent some time recording with the same producer. The two of them felt that it must have been fate or that it had been written in the stars, so they felt connected and knew they had to create music together.

With the same taste in music, the exact same musical visions, and clear ambitions, it only made sense for Cyde-1Der to collaborate. Although they knew they were destined to work together, they had no clue how successful their musical endeavors would become. After years of spending time together while working on music, Cyde-1Der have formed a natural following of fans in Uganda and the UK. However, their music is slowly spreading throughout the world, bringing the joy of music to each and every nation.

“Take Over” is a clip that describes this same vision that Cyde-1Der contains. The duo enigmatically takes on the streets throughout each and every scene, presenting the world with their fantastical ability to maintain the status quo. The song features Jay Brown, and “Take Over” was directed by Aodh Breathnach who sets the tone of the song by displaying each scene in a stunning black and white flow that seamlessly takes us from one end of the video to the other.

This powerful hip-hop duo is taking the world by storm; their cultural influence adds a certain flavor that spices up their background, yet their music connects on every level of contemporary hip-hop music. For more information on Cyde-1Der, please contact Andy Gesner and the HIP Video Promo staff at (732)-613-1779 or email us at . You can also visit or pick up the new Skyfall mixtape for free at

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