Chris Barclay
“Las Vegas Alien”
Directed by Chris Barclay
Add date – 8/19/2024

About Chris Barclay

The guitar is sacred for the world of musical composition, and can only be fully understood and appreciated by the few ready to unlock all its magical and wondrous potential. New Zealand’s Chris Barclay does not just understand the guitar, but he lives it, breathes it, sweats it and bleeds it. From listening to rock growing up to learning scales and modes during his time at university, Barclay has become a master songwriter and guitar slinger, appreciating everything there is to the guitar, from its unique shape to its numerous sonic vibrations. “I draw my inspirations from my own life as a leukemia survivor and other life struggles, as well as my musical and guitar heros such as Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Yngwie Malmsteen”. Through tough times in life, music has been with Barclay since day one, and by working tenaciously to hone his craft, he has become one of New Zealand’s top shredders and well respected guitar virtuosos.

About “Las Vegas Alien”

Recently, Barclay traveled to the United States to Sin City: Las Vegas. There, he was greeted by the seductive charisma of the city and its top shelf, world class hospitality, which immediately made him feel like an alien in a strange world filled with possibility. From that experience, came his latest offering, “Las Vegas Alien.” Hypnotic guitar and large buildups pair fantastically with Barclay’s voice, which mirrors the mysterious Las Vegas and it’s surrounding environs. The guitars start in the motif of the Progressive Rock group Dream Theater, utilizing perfect 5ths and suspended chords in the chorus with modulating shred lead guitar. “I fell in love with Las Vegas and Nevada. I have been mesmerised by the region. The glitz, the dirt and the uniqueness of its own brand of Americana. So much so, as a rock guitarist, shredder and singer, I wrote and produced a song in my studio and made a music video about my time there.”

About the “Las Vegas Alien” Music Video

As a self-proclaimed Americanophile, Barclay takes viewers through a tour of Las Vegas as any other visitor may see it, with bright lights, magnificent fountains and large marquees. However, fans soon see that between the aliens and spacemen lurking in the surrounding desert, there is more to this fabled city that can affect a person deeply than just the plethora of casinos and flashy performances. As the viewer witnesses this colorful journey, Barclay shares with us his remarkable abilities to make his guitar sing and his innate, passionate love for songcraft. “Las Vegas Alien” is an introductory handshake to a creative fully committed to sharing his soul through the epic songs he creates.

Want more from Chris Barclay & HIP Video Promo?

We are thrilled to be working with our new friend Chris Barclay to promote his wonderfully crafted, fully realized “Las Vegas Alien” music video! Be sure to visit for more information about Chris, his music, and upcoming news. Thank you for considering this music video for your programming and online presentations, it is very much appreciated! If you have any questions or would like us to send over some Chris Barclay merch for contests and giveaways, contact the HIP Video Promo team at or call 732-613-1779.