Taj Easton
Add Date:
May 15, 2013


Somewhere between Motown and the Illuminati lies (Charles)Book&Record. An architect, an author, and the chanteuse. Not so much a traditional “band” as they are storytellers, soundscape shapers, multi-media fabulists.

Born of a partnership between underground hip-hop producer/filmmaker/rammed-earth housing engineer Taj Easton (Tada), and vocalist/author/publisher Zack Wentz (Kill Me Tomorrow, Tender Buttons, The Dabbers, newdeadfamilies.com), with vocal contributions from Shelby Gubba (The Dabbers, Braaiins!), (Charles)Book&Record craft generous, invigorating, densely-textured, darkly-melodic pop that owes as much to classic calypso, traditional song, and crooner-era swing as it does to 80’s art-rock, Berlin School electronic music, and vintage R&B.

Taj Easton and Zack Wentz were also commissioned to create a soundtrack for the Andy Mingo film Romance, based on a story by Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club), which debuted in London at the Raindance Film Festival in the fall of 2012. (Charles)Book&Record were also tapped to produce a re-mix for Sufjan Stevens, which appears on his recent mixtape Chopped and Scrooged. Their re-mix/collaboration track with Foot Village has been streamed at Pitchfork and Impose.

(Charles)Book&Record‘s debut album, Leftover Magic (recorded and mastered at Singing Serpent studios in San Diego, CA), is the ideal introduction to their sci-fi-surrealist-soul sound. Eleven tracks developed over a year and a half, along with a video series (The Tryptych and The Dream Duo), exploring their vision of sonic-cinematic art: gazing both forward into a blurred destiny, and retrospectively across innumerable forgotten futures. “Pointing South,” the first video of the triptych, premiered via art magazine Juxtapoz,“Sentimental Ape”, the second video, at celebratory pop-culture magazine Geek, and “Tradition,” the third, at the cutting-edge literary blog HTMLGIANT.

Their latest video to the track “Softbase” goes beyond the comic-nightmare confines of The Dream Gulag explored in The Triptych to the other-dimensional realm of Burlaphead, showcasing the between-world beings that dwell there, and moving into the inner-chambers of Softbase itself.

We are excited to be working these creative spirits and look forward to seeing this video in your programming! We are here to hook you up with anything you may need so please don’t hesitate to be in touch. For more information, please contact Andy Gesner and the HIP Video Promo staff at (732)-613-1779 or email us at info@HIPVideoPromo.com.