Photo by Ryan Sabados
Some say “man’s best friend” is a dog, but here at HIP, we believe that all pets can be a person’s best friend. Many of us on the HIP crew have a pet to call our own, and what better way to celebrate our cats and dogs than by showing them off in these videos?
Photo by Ryan Sabados
Up next, on April 6, HIP’s Social Media Manager and Assistant Marketing Coordinator Eliana Rodriguez shared a video with her dog, Lucky. Lucky is a chiweenie and camera-shy – but that didn’t stop him from coming up to give Eliana some puppy kisses!
Following Eliana and Lucky, on April 13, Kevin Walters, HIP’s Director of Social Media Marketing, showed off his Yorkie pup, Rex. Rex loves snacks – and honestly, who doesn’t?
Two weeks later, on April 27, Matt Epstein – HIP’s Director of Music Video Production – shared this adorable video of his two cats, Oreo and Nabisco. We can’t think of a cuter pair – or a more perfect set of names for these siblings!
Up next, on May 4, Mike Kundrath – our Senior VP – showed off his rescue dog Elvis. And lucky for Elvis: in celebration of his “Adoptaversary”, he got an extra special meal. Lucky dog!
Sometimes a match is made in heaven, even when you don’t expect it: on May 10, HIP Director of Marketing and Communications, Molly Hudelson, introduced the world to her dog Sky. Sky was a “foster failure” – originally a foster dog, he quickly found his way to a forever home with this HIPster!
Rounding up the HIP Pet Posts, on May 18 HIP Office Manager / Coordinator of Marketing & Public Relations Rebecca Karaman shared a sweet video with Sassi. A shepherd/lab mix, Sassi’s name fits her personality perfectly!
Written by HIP Director of Marketing and Communications, Molly Hudelson.