“Mama’s Girl” is the perfect springboard to introduce Airy Jeanine, an emerging entertainer not to be denied, to audiences and consumers worldwide. The multi-faceted young talent is a New Jersey based Pop Singer, Songwriter, and Actress who is skilled as a multi-instrumentalist and whose supple vocals exude an easygoing ambience. Her performing repertoire is precise and focused, as she is charting a journey into a brilliant future that is unfolding with great promise.
The blossoming performers’ inclinations began in her formative years, participating in ballet and acting, and later incorporating music and singing as a part of her early interests. She continues to develop and is perfecting her artistry. Intent on capitalizing on her appreciable abilities, the virtuoso showcases brilliance and steps toward center stage. The intense and enduring dedication to her craft results in a realized evident talent. Coupled with musical and songwriting skills, Airy Jeanine is ready for Pop acclaim, bringing her brand to the world, ready to enter and establish her place in the upper echelon of popular entertainers.
The video for “Mana’s Girl” is set in a darkened nighttime setting with Airy Jeanine and friends enjoying an after-hours social. The energy is infectious and the tension is palpable as Jeanine and a particular boy lock eyes across the room. He quietly moves amongst the crowd with designs on Jeanine’s affection. Though she is curious about him, Mama’s words are never far from her mind that there’s no need to rush and a pretty girl like herself can take her time to find the right man. The video is an empowering example of a young lady being true to herself and displaying sound judgment in a world where that isn’t always the easiest thing to do.
Here at HIP we are proud to be alignined with her award winning and all-star team, as she is on a mission to create a body of work that explores various facets of life experiences from her youthful and keenly perceptive vantage point. Please contact Andy Gesner and the HIP Video Promo crew at (732)-613-1779 or email at info@HIPVideoPromo.com for more info.
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