How To Promote Your Music Video; Exclusive Interview With HIP Video Promo CEO Andy Gesner

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So you just finished making a fantastic music video that you’ve invested a lot of time and effort in producing and now you want it properly and professionally presented to music fans throughout the world? Well of course you do! HIP Video Promo can help make that dream become a reality. It’s what we do. In fact, it’s practically ALL we do. So we know how to do it right.

HIP Video owner/president, Andy Gesner, recently sat down with the guys at to give them the rundown on who we are, the importance of promoting your music video smartly, who we work with, and much, much more. Check out an excerpt below…

Q: Most bands and artists shoot a video, put it straight on their social networks and YouTube, and then begin the cycle of looking for views wherever they can find them. What’s missing from the master plan here? Why do you think proper video promotion falls by the wayside in most cases?
A: Upcoming bands and artists immediately think that professional music video promotion does not fit into their budget, or because of budgetary constraints, don’t think they can afford our services. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? If you really have an outstanding music video, you’re selling yourself short if you don’t get it out there to all the potential outlets that could give your video serious consideration for programming. It does require a lot of up front attention to detail, and this is the kind of thing best left to the professionals. So many of my programmers complain they get dozens of videos each month, but either the tape doesn’t work right, it’s not dubbed in stereo, it’s not closed captioned, or the aspect ratio isn’t right. That means that these folks have sent all these videos out, and no one’s going to be able to play them. Because we’ve promoted so many videos, we’ve got a system down with excruciatingly stringent quality control. We are always confident that the videos that hit our programmer’s desks are 100% ready for immediate programming. Sure, the cost of admission into our tent is not a small amount, but if you put a lot of time and effort and money into producing a music video, it makes no sense to just have it sit on your YouTube page.
Read through the entire informative interview right Here!