My Brightest Diamond covers Edith Piaf

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Edith Piaf has a planet named after her.
Thus it’s a coincidence that My Brightest Diamond (a.k.a Shara Worden), a artist who’s music is outer-space centered, decided to cover her.
(I mean, apart from her breathtaking, space-age vocals, Shara Worden even has a music video that depicts her walking up a ladder to the moon. Piaf is the latest installment to this theme.)

How did Edith Piaf get the honor to be immortalized up there, in the stars?
Back in the 40s and 50s, Piaf was a big-time singer who captured the heart of France and other European countries. Her voice is soothing and beautiful. Her story is one of rags to riches–she lived on the streets for a while, singing to make money. Her life followed a trajectory. She was at the bottom and them vaulted up to the top, rubbing shoulders with some of the hottest stars of the day. She is an artist who’s impact was on-par with the likes of The Beatles.

Shara Worden and her accordion-playing father would duet pieces by Edith Piaf for family functions as well as club gigs. Maybe this song holds a little nostalgia for her as well as complimenting her voice–Worden’s voice is as equally soothing and beautiful as Piaf’s. Download the MP3 here.

Also, take a look at her video for “Top of the Word” below:

My Brightest Diamond is also going on-tour next week! Check out tour dates here.