Watch: Hunna “Rescue Me”

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Watch: Pickwick HIP Spotlight!
December 2, 2013
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Rescue Me

The natural need to rock. That was the sole reason behind Hunna’s birth in 2011. Formed by five young musicians from Rio de Janeiro – Magga (vocals), Fifo (guitar), Thiaguinho (guitar), Dov (bass) and Teo (drums) – the band mixes elements of classic rock bands such as U2 and Guns N’ Roses with brand new influences from Foo Fighters, Coldplay, John Mayer, Incubus and Kings of Leon. All pieces put together turn into a fresh and unique sound, never heard before from a Brazilian band.

Hunna’s songs were written based on everyday reality and personal experiences from the band members, disregarding any language barriers for either Portuguese or English. One song in particular jumps out in that regard, the delicately written, but hard-hitting song for “Rescue Me” which deals with losing the one true person you’ve loved like no other. The song occupies the spot somewhere between rock and roll and ballad, but much too articulate and nuanced to be considered a power ballad. Magga’s vocal delivery portrays a true sense of loss and remorse, and an honest introspection realizing that sometimes we only have ourselves to blame.